The world’s 2nd Resolve V10 classes took place in Burbank over a week in early September. I always say it is the mixed demographic of the students that makes the classes so interesting, this class was no different. We had 11 students signed up for my R201 class, half had come straight from the R101 and half were already established Resolve V9 colorists.
Wade Fekler, a 15 year DaVinci 2K Colorist from CBS in Burbank
Vikash Nowlakha, TVC DP from Mumbai,
Marco Herrera and Wenceslao Miranda, Chilian Director/DP team.
Achim Kapitza, 25 year DaVinci Colorist from Vancouver, currently using Baselight, Lustre and DS
Ryan Parker, DP from Memphis, shooting all cameras.
Yorum Tal, “Dancing with the Stars” finishing Editor/Colorist.
Michele deLorimier, leading TVC DIT and on set Colorist, working all over.
William Tordella, Editor, originally from Maryland now based in Hollywood
Blayre Ellestad from Toronto, travels around the world shooting weddings.
Edward Shoemaker an ex cop now Director/DP/Colorist from Seattle.
My classes are normally pegged at 10 students but Michele managed to find a hole in her schedule and brought her DIT cart to the class, loaded with the public beta of Resolve 10. The cart sat nicely at the back of the room and her input to the class was great, giving the students a different perspective on grading.
Blayre followed the class using his own Laptop, grading his own wedding images
some shot with the Magic Lantern Canon mod.
The R201 2 day class follows a new format where we try and mimic a real grading session. Taking RED footage straight from the camera, exploring the dailies process before rendering ProRes from the edit.
Using an XML and EDL we then bring 2 conformed sequences back into Resolve, using first the ProRes then swapping to the Red r3ds. The class then looks at all the challenges the colorist faces during a normal session right up to the final render. We then repeat the process using a “Baked” ProRes 422 file so losing the advantage of grading 4k RED files.
The students are encouraged to export their grading projects and grading stills, so they can continue to practice with the supplied RED footage.
“Loved the fact we can take the RED material, I’ll be using Resolve much more now to fix problems I currently do in Avid.”
Yorum Tal
“Warren, I very much enjoyed the Resolve 201 course. My business partner and I place a lot of value on great training like the ICA provides. I will be recommending it’s courses to some people at a Seattle post house that I will be meeting this week.”
Ed Shoemaker