The Colorist Society International (CSI) was launched during the 2016 NAB Colorist Mixer.
At last, a Society that represents colorists! For years we have talked about an association, moaned about lack of recognition and wished for better representation.
A blog post by colorist Jim Wicks CSI was posted late last year on LinkedIn. It really seemed to be the catalyst, it fired interest with contributors offering support from all corners of the globe. Maybe the time was right, we had waited and we waited. Was it going to happen?
In the months following the blog Jim and Kevin Shaw CSI started laying the framework for the CSI, culminating in the Launch at NAB.
I thought the CSI was a great idea, just what we need…..but then I didn’t do anything about it!
It was not until I had left Vegas for Vancouver that I realised the momentum gained at NAB was to be ongoing.
To pitch the CSI to my colleagues I had to believe in what the guys were doing, so I called Jim and had a long chat about what their plans for the future of the CSI.
The next day I registered at was accepted and paid my $120US.
Only once I was a fully paid up member did I really feel I could pitch the Society sincerely to other colorists, lots of them personal friends.
The CSI needs funds to move forward. People offering services is welcome, but $$$ make things happen.
Future plans include:
- A searchable by country database where full members have bios, including links to websites, reels etc.
- An internal forum to discuss the things that matter to us. A place where we can share information, training tips, pay rates etc.
- The pinnacle would be an awards evening where graders can be recognized for their work.
Colorists have always had a special bond. From the Telecine parties of the 90s right up to the Colorist Mixer parties of today. This camaraderie and your support will drive the CSI forward.
All details, benefits and registration details can be found here.
CSI website
Well done Jim and Kevin.

Kevin Shaw and Jim Wicks