A new technique…

There is something very exciting and motivating about finding a new technique. Sadly the more experienced we become as individuals and as a profession the less those truly inspired moments come. So I am happy to share this new find with you. Maybe I am not actually the first to have discovered it, but that…

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Who pays for the free lunch…

I am unashamedly posting a link on this, rather than writing my own blog. And yes there is a free gift included at the end! Unite! Read this if you value your job. Tim Kreider writes what I think far more eloquently than I, because after all he is a professional writer. But he is plagued…

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ICA in Estonia

I am recently home from my first visit to Estonia, where I was invited to teach Colorist Strategies and Popular Looks at the Baltic Film and Media School (BFM). The course has been in planning for over a year following an introduction at IBC, and was mostly funded by grants to introduce more post production…

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Los Angeles Courses Completed

We had a great week of courses in Burbank, Los Angeles and would like to thank Keith and David at Roush Media for being such excellent hosts! The Introduction Day and Popular Looks are new classes, but the feedback was excellent and I will be introducing them to other locations. Colorists from Italy, UK, Mexico,…

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London Colorist Strategies

The London class was held from May 10th to May 12th 2010 in the Digital Vision training room in Wardour Street, which is a short walk from most of the major facilities in town. Nine colorists from diverse backgrounds attended, some from London, and some from Norway, Finland, Poland and Turkey. Between us we had…

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Brisbane, Apple Colorist Strategies

Brisbane – January 27-29, 2010 The latest ICA “Colorist Strategies” class was held in Brisbane Australia during the last week of January. Four students from across Asia made it a great cross blend of talent all with different grading experience. Kapil from Nepal is a self taught Colorist who was looking to learn more looks…

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