The Lifecycle of an Asset

The word ‘asset’ – or ‘asset management’ – is now used so often that we could be forgiven for forgetting what it means. The Oxford English Dictionary says that an asset is ‘a thing of use or value’, and for most media businesses their content is their lifeblood. So it makes sense to treat content…

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In 30 years I have never won an award. Of course there are precious few colorist awards to win and I have always contented myself with the firm belief that the best grading jobs are the ones no one notices. In many ways the job is its own reward, I still get a great deal…

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Dr. Who Restoration by Enthusiasts

I have been busy working with BBC Digital Media Services working on restoration workflows and digital asset management. I suspect that most people think that the BBC only work on their own material but actually their services and expertise are commercially available, and utilized by a broad range of clients ranging from broadcasters and museums…

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Film Restoration

I returned from doing a Film Restoration training class in Rome using Revival Pro. We had a total of nine students in the class. We covered the whole workflow for restoration and showed allot of examples showing difficult restoration situations. We´re now going to start a new class entitled Film Restoration Strategies. For more info,…

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