Tokyo Seminar

Just back from Tokyo where I was asked to present a one day seminar. Its a long way for a day but I thought it would be fun to see how color grading is changing there, since I have not been for about 5 years. Imagine my surprise when strolled into the presentation theatre to…

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ICA in Estonia

I am recently home from my first visit to Estonia, where I was invited to teach Colorist Strategies and Popular Looks at the Baltic Film and Media School (BFM). The course has been in planning for over a year following an introduction at IBC, and was mostly funded by grants to introduce more post production…

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When Colorists Hit the Wall!

Most colorists have had a marathon session at some time. By marathon I mean very, very long (30 hours is my personal record!) or very, very challenging, which is often even tougher. However, I have found that all colorists at some stage in their career, also hit the infamous “wall” just like every marathon runner.…

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London, BVE Feb 2010

I delivered a seminar last week on behalf of Digital Vision at the Broadcast Video Exposition in Earls Court, in the Post Production Room. There were nearly 20 presentations over the 3 days and I was intrigued to notice that the most popular topic was color correction and many of the others topics touched on…

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