Tokyo Seminar

Just back from Tokyo where I was asked to present a one day seminar. Its a long way for a day but I thought it would be fun to see how color grading is changing there, since I have not been for about 5 years. Imagine my surprise when strolled into the presentation theatre to…

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ICA Reaches 50th Class Milestone in India Chennai

The ICA is two years old at NAB 2011 and is proud to announce it’s 50th class in Chennai India April 4rd -7th . “There has been a huge interest in our training for colorists by colorists. We have been impressed by how far some of them will travel, but wherever the demand justifies it…

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2011 Oscars for Best Picture: Who Graded Them?

TRUE GRIT 35mm Film (3 perf) Mitch Paulson Lustre Efilm Hollywood TOY STORY 3 Animation David Lortsher Filmaster Pixar Emeryville CA BLACK SWAN 16mm Film Fuji Tim Stipan Lustre Technicolor New York WINTER’S BONE Red one Tim Stipan Lustre Technicolor New York THE SOCIAL NETWORK Red one Ian Vertovec Pablo Light Iron Los Angeles INCEPTION…

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ICA in Estonia

I am recently home from my first visit to Estonia, where I was invited to teach Colorist Strategies and Popular Looks at the Baltic Film and Media School (BFM). The course has been in planning for over a year following an introduction at IBC, and was mostly funded by grants to introduce more post production…

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The First Korean ICA Class

People often ask me how do you decide where to run a class or why don’t you visit us and deliver a class? The answer is just ask. I must admit that Seoul the South Korean capital was not on my radar when looking for possible ICA opportunities for 2011, but just 10 days into…

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Update from Lorne

Hi, I can’t believe this year is almost over. I just finished a series of 6 films with Steven Seagal. Now I have time to catch up with Warren and Kevin and see what’s happening with the ICA. Last summer, before things got busy, I started to put a class together dealing with being an…

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The ICA Opens in L.A.

The ICA L.A. Training Center is up and running. We have partnered with Roush Media an established DI Post facility to provide a permanent American home for Colorist training. Roush Media is situated in Burbank, California, just outside Los Angeles, 45 minutes from LAX airport. Our first set of classes were in a large temporary…

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