Blake at the Hamburg Open

Hi Everyone, I just returned from Hamburg. I was demonstrating at the Hamburg Open exhibition held at Studio Hamburg. We had a great turnout and there was certainly allot of interest for training! We were showing Resolve on Mac and Windows platforms. Also I´m working on a whole range of new publications which will be…

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One on One Resolve Training in Munich…

We´ve had a tremendous response to our ICA one on one Resolve training. We have a student arriving today for a three day class and the following week another student coming from Italy! It´s really a great opportunity to learn Resolve one on one with a colorist who has worked with the application since it…

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Resolve Training Classes in Munich with Blake

We have a excellent training center here in Munich and can offer classes not only in English but also in French, Spanish and German. All classes are taught by Blake Jones. Blake has extensive experience with Resolve as he´s operated Resolve since the product was first introduced by DaVinci. He is also the author of…

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Toohey’s Extra Dry “Nocturnal Migration”

This post explains the process of color grading a commercial advert of night time shots for a client. I was recently asked by Alt vfx (Brisbane Post house) to do a VFX pre grade on the new Tooheys Extra Dry beer Commercial directed by Garth Davis from Exit films. Exit are one of the biggest…

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Sascha Haber introduces Scratch to ICA classes

The ICA is pleased to welcome Sascha to its lineup of international colorist instructors. Sascha has written a series of three classes around Assimilate Scratch, so there is something for all levels of users. The class outlines are for Scratch 101, Scratch 201 and Scratch Post Workflow We are planning for 2012, and have already…

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Grading a music video shot with Epic

After having graded a number of projects filmed on the Red One camera, I was keen to see what their new camera, the Epic, had to offer. I recently got the chance to work on a music clip for Australian artist Megan Washington called “Holy Moses.” Directed by Stephen Lance and posted at the newest…

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“What are you grading today?”

November 1-7 2011 INFORMATION COLLECTED VIA THE TIG,  LINKEDIN, FACEBOOK AND TWITTER MAX ONLY 2 SUBMISSIONS PER PERSON FOR THAT WEEK. UNITED STATES Feature Red Film Master Hollywood US Feature Red Apple Color New York US TVC “Nissan” Alexa Resolve Chicago US TV show Alexa Lustre New York US TV Magazine shows Red and various…

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THX Announces cineSpace Partner Program

Program offers access to development versions of THX cineSpace products, expanded training opportunities for best practices and enables communication between production facilities. Hollywood, October 25, 2011 – THX Ltd. today announced the THX cineSpace™ Partner Program, a growing ecosystem of experts in the content production space, with a common goal of offering products that ensure quality…

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