Grading a 1 take Music Video

Last year I collaborated with Jason Wingrove to grade his one take Music Video ‘These days’ by Martha Marlow It was shot in one take using the EPIC. The hardest thing about grading a single 3 minute clip is that there are no cuts, no where to get the scissors in, no way to…

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A new technique…

There is something very exciting and motivating about finding a new technique. Sadly the more experienced we become as individuals and as a profession the less those truly inspired moments come. So I am happy to share this new find with you. Maybe I am not actually the first to have discovered it, but that…

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NAB Colorist Mixer 2015

The NAB Colorist Mixer took place on the eve of NAB. Hosted by the ICA, Mixing Light and the Tao of Color, the Colorist Mixer took place at the Rockhouse Bar in the Venetian. We started in 2013 with 20 guys and gals in the corner of a bar. This year the Mixer had 230…

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Grading an Android TVC in Tokyo.

It was late on Friday night and I was finishing a TVC grade at the Chop Shop in Brisbane. I got a call from Kanta Yamaguchi of Green Leaf Films, asking if I could color a TVC next Wednesday in Tokyo. I had already committed to a half-day grade on Thursday in Brisbane, so the…

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NAB Colorist Mixer 2015

The NAB Colorist Mixer will be held on Sunday 12th April at the Rock House Bar in the Venetian. Co hosted by the ICA, Kevin and Warren will be there. Register here        

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Oxygen Tec ProPanel review by Warren

The first thing you notice when the panel pops out of the box is the weight of it, 7Kgs or 15.5lbs. I had imagined it to be plastic and very lightweight, so was surprised to find it very solid and robust. I plugged it in and it worked straight away, it’s USB so very easy…

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What are you grading 2014? Results

These are the results from the 2014 survey. The survey is based on 3 projects graded by the colorist during November 2014 400 colorists took part from over 60 different countries. Here is the top 20 USA 110 UK 34 BRAZIL 31 AUSTRALIA 23 GERMANY 19 CANADA 16 SPAIN 13 INDIA 10 SWEDEN 9 HOLLAND 8…

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An Interview with Kevin

Regular visitors to our ICA site may have discovered Tom has taken classes with both Warren and myself so understands our approach to training and self improvement very well. He is a successful colorist but still finds time to research and interview, then post his findings on his site. Most recently Tom and I chatted about…

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