Grading “The Genius of Beauty”

“The Genius of Beauty” A DI film grade through the eyes of a freelance Colorist I met film producer Ravi Vedant, at Singapore’s Broadcast Asia show in June 2009. I was demoing the Resolve for Media Village the DaVinci distributor. Ravi and I sat and discussed RED footage, workflows and the looks that could be…

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Resolve $995

I have been asked the same question a lot over the past week since the Resolve on Mac was announced…. “Where can I get training?” Well the ICA is happy to be partnering with BMD to run training classes. No details as yet but it is expected the classes will be similar to the Media…

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Colorist Strategies: 2 Hour Short Course

“What can you do in 2 hours?” That was the question posed to me by the Australian Film and Television School. At first I wasn’t sure, but realized that if I grabbed a little piece from all sections from the full 3 day CS class, I could create an interesting class. 20 people braved the…

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Resolve 3-Day Class at Media Village

I am pleased to announce the ICA/Media Village DaVinci Resolve class running in Singapore on May 3rd-5th. This class will be great for existing DaVinci users or Colorists looking to learn a new system. The class will not only focus on the operational side of the Resolve, we will also go into the art of…

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Tokyo Resolve Class

I have just returned from Sound City, Tokyo, Japan. What a great place, like most overseas trips I didn’t see very much of Tokyo but the people were very welcoming wherever I went. So why was I there? To run a 3 day ICA Resolve training class organised by Heather Ozaki from Photron the Blackmagic…

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Brisbane, Apple Colorist Strategies

Brisbane – January 27-29, 2010 The latest ICA “Colorist Strategies” class was held in Brisbane Australia during the last week of January. Four students from across Asia made it a great cross blend of talent all with different grading experience. Kapil from Nepal is a self taught Colorist who was looking to learn more looks…

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Amsterdam, IBC 2009

Welcome to our first IBC blog. For those of you that do not know IBC is the 2nd biggest film and TV trade show in the world, and is held in Amsterdam every September. I was demonstrating for DFT the film scanning company who make the Spirit telecine and Kevin was driving the Film Master…

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Sydney, SMPTE July 2009

I am at the SMPTE trade show in Sydney Australia. This has to be the best trade show venue in the world. Two minutes from the hotel, and just minutes from beautiful views of Darling harbour and a cold beer after the show. Then again I am a little biased! This show is every 2…

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