The First Korean ICA Class

People often ask me how do you decide where to run a class or why don’t you visit us and deliver a class? The answer is just ask. I must admit that Seoul the South Korean capital was not on my radar when looking for possible ICA opportunities for 2011, but just 10 days into…

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The ICA Opens in L.A.

The ICA L.A. Training Center is up and running. We have partnered with Roush Media an established DI Post facility to provide a permanent American home for Colorist training. Roush Media is situated in Burbank, California, just outside Los Angeles, 45 minutes from LAX airport. Our first set of classes were in a large temporary…

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Grading a Fish Sauce Commercial in Vietnam

While running the recent ICA “Warren’s Looks” class last month in Singapore I got an e-mail from Andy Ho post producer at Digipost Vietnam. He needed a colorist to grade a commercial the following Sunday, and asked if I was interested? I was very keen, but could I fit it in? That night I called…

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The Last DaVinci 2K Goes Into the BFA

CC Chan from ACC in Hong Kong called me in December 2009 and said… “I have the very last new DaVinci 2K Plus here in my office, it’s going into the BFA in Beijing, would you like to oversee the training?” I thought of it as the end of an era, so said I’d love…

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Why Take a Class? Just Read the Manual!!

I am often asked,“What are the benefits of an ICA class and who should attend?” Here are Warren’s answers: The ICA offer a number of classes what are the differences? Colorists Strategies is a class you cannot learn from a book.   It is a mixture of a number of elements that go into making…

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Warren’s IBC Report

10 years ago things use to be so much simpler… As a Colorist visiting IBC you only had 2 choices in color correction, DaVinci 2K or Pandora Pogle. We would spend ½ day looking at each, another day looking at Telecine machines. We all used Sony CRT monitors so nothing new to look at there…

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Grading a Movie with Apple Color

10 Days To Die Grading a feature in 3 days with Apple Color Earlier this year I got a call from film producer and director Michael Sergi, the conversation went something like this…… “I have a 90min feature film shot on P2, it’s finished, edited and I want you to grade it, trouble is I…

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