“What are you grading today?”

November 1-7 2011 INFORMATION COLLECTED VIA THE TIG,  LINKEDIN, FACEBOOK AND TWITTER MAX ONLY 2 SUBMISSIONS PER PERSON FOR THAT WEEK. UNITED STATES Feature Red Film Master Hollywood US Feature Red Apple Color New York US TVC “Nissan” Alexa Resolve Chicago US TV show Alexa Lustre New York US TV Magazine shows Red and various…

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DaVinci Resolve V8 online Classes

My new Resolve V8 online training classes have just been released. “Why make online classes aren’t you going to take students from your ICA classroom training?” The answer is that the 2 training models are very different. The classroom is very interactive you get the chance to exchange footage, views and skills with not only…

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Grading Michael Jackson

My first real grading job was on the Michael Jackson Bad tour in 1988, directed by Patrick Kelly. I was an assistant telecine operator at Visions, located in Soho, London. As an assistant I laced the film, loaded the film cleaner and pressed REC on the 1” VTR. I spent the time in between these…

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Nab Story 2011

Working for Blackmagic Design when they announce a free DaVinci Color corrector means only one thing, a crazy busy time for the demo artist! I left Australia on Friday morning, arrived late into LAX but managed to charm my way through to the front of the immigration line, only to then wait 40 mins for…

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2011 Oscars for Best Picture: Who Graded Them?

TRUE GRIT 35mm Film (3 perf) Mitch Paulson Lustre Efilm Hollywood TOY STORY 3 Animation David Lortsher Filmaster Pixar Emeryville CA BLACK SWAN 16mm Film Fuji Tim Stipan Lustre Technicolor New York WINTER’S BONE Red one Tim Stipan Lustre Technicolor New York THE SOCIAL NETWORK Red one Ian Vertovec Pablo Light Iron Los Angeles INCEPTION…

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