The 10 things that make a great Colorist.

  “First off, I am not saying I am a great Colorist, far from it. These are my opinions, not those of the ICA. They are drawn from working with some of the worlds top graders over the past 25 years.”  Warren 1 Creativity Being creative is only part of the job, but it is…

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What are you grading today? August 2012

The results are in. Alexa on top, not surprising considering it’s popularity across all genres. Red One drops to 4th after being 1st in 2011. Film drops down and Epic makes a big move up to number 2 2012                                …

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Warren and Dan Moran talk to Jigsaw on Resolve 9

Resolve 9 brings a drastic redesign to the interface, allowing the software to be more streamlined and continue to move forwards in a positive direction. We’ve got all the details of the upcoming release on our site, but rather than just running you through the (admittedly impressive) spec list, we thought we’d ask some of the…

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DreamWorks Q and A with Jeff Olm

During my recent Resolve 201 class my students and I were lucky enough to get the chance to visit DreamWorks in Los Angeles. Jeff Olm is one of the world’s leading stereo 3D colorists and also a member of the ICA. Jeff has been at the forefront of stereo grading since Journey to the Center…

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Toohey’s Extra Dry “Nocturnal Migration”

This post explains the process of color grading a commercial advert of night time shots for a client. I was recently asked by Alt vfx (Brisbane Post house) to do a VFX pre grade on the new Tooheys Extra Dry beer Commercial directed by Garth Davis from Exit films. Exit are one of the biggest…

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Grading a music video shot with Epic

After having graded a number of projects filmed on the Red One camera, I was keen to see what their new camera, the Epic, had to offer. I recently got the chance to work on a music clip for Australian artist Megan Washington called “Holy Moses.” Directed by Stephen Lance and posted at the newest…

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