Blog Warren Eagles

FXPHD Resolve Training History

I started using daVinci Resolve in 2005. It was a $300,000 system, the hardware rack was the size of a doorway and it took a Resolve engineer two days to install. In 2006 I met with Mike Seymour and John Montgomery, who said they were thinking of opening an online university. They asked me if…

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“Don’t Stamp On My Images”

Five things to help the Colorist/DP relationship 1. Don’t stamp on my images I am hearing this more and more from DPs. Stamp means the picture is over worked, too many layers or nodes and too many windows and keys. This can make the image look too false because the look has been changed from…

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Why join the Colorist Society International?

The first anniversary of the Colorist Society International CSI has just passed, so what has changed? I sat down with CSI co-founder Jim Wicks at NAB and discussed some of the things the CSI has been up to. The CSI was launched at the 2016 NAB Colorist Mixer. Jim Wicks and Kevin Shaw arrived at NAB…

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How long will it take to grade my film in 2017?

“How long will it take to grade my film?” It is a question I am asked all the time, so I have some standard replies. Obviously every TVC, movie or music video is different so a rough guide is the best you can offer your client without seeing the footage. These examples are based on…

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ICA BYO laptop class Taipei December 2016

In December I traveled to Taiwan to run the first ‘BYO’ laptop Resolve training class. I have often talked about a BYO class but up until now didn’t think the hardware would be up to the job. The old saying ‘you never know till you try’ was to be tested here. This is my Taipei…

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Singapore Colorist Mixer 2016

The Mixers at NAB and IBC had prompted a call for an Asian version. So with the help of  and the ICA started the ball rolling straight after the IBC Mixer. So on Wednesday 23rd November, 75 creative color folk gathered at the Blu Jazz Cafe in Singapore for the first Asian Colorist Mixer. The world…

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IBC Colorist Mixer 2016

The 3rd IBC Colorist Mixer was held on Saturday 10th September at a fantastic canal side venue Felix Meritis in Amsterdam. People arrived by bicycle, boat, scooter, tram, some of us even walked! The weather during IBC was the best I’ve witnessed, so people arrived in good spirits, looking forward to a fantastic night. The…

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