One on One Resolve Training in Munich…

We´ve had a tremendous response to our ICA one on one Resolve training. We have a student arriving today for a three day class and the following week another student coming from Italy! It´s really a great opportunity to learn Resolve one on one with a colorist who has worked with the application since it…

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Resolve Training Classes in Munich with Blake

We have a excellent training center here in Munich and can offer classes not only in English but also in French, Spanish and German. All classes are taught by Blake Jones. Blake has extensive experience with Resolve as he´s operated Resolve since the product was first introduced by DaVinci. He is also the author of…

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Toohey’s Extra Dry “Nocturnal Migration”

This post explains the process of color grading a commercial advert of night time shots for a client. I was recently asked by Alt vfx (Brisbane Post house) to do a VFX pre grade on the new Tooheys Extra Dry beer Commercial directed by Garth Davis from Exit films. Exit are one of the biggest…

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