Why We Need LUTs (and what they are)

When all the DI (Digital Intermediate) stuff started about ten years ago, one of the most difficult things to achieve technically was to match the colour of the interactive display with the output of the lab. At that time, we started to hear about LUTs: Lookup Tables. Since then, LUTs have been implemented pretty much…

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When Colorists Hit the Wall!

Most colorists have had a marathon session at some time. By marathon I mean very, very long (30 hours is my personal record!) or very, very challenging, which is often even tougher. However, I have found that all colorists at some stage in their career, also hit the infamous “wall” just like every marathon runner.…

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ICA Teams Up with Digital Vision for Nucoda Film Master Operations Training

International Colorist Academy (ICA) Co-Founder, Kevin Shaw Presents Digital Vision Film Master Operations Training September 27-29, 2010 Digital Vision and International Colorist Academy (ICA) have announced that Kevin Shaw, co-founder of ICA, is now an authorized Digital Vision Nucoda Film Master Operations Training instructor. The two types of Nucoda Film Master Operations Training classes are…

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